
The Nights of Silver Belle 2: Graduation Ball

So yeah, I gave myself the title Silver Belle. Mostly because I look like a fairy/pixie who lacks wings and could only give off pixie dust through her glitters.

Anyway, so the next night was our graduation ball at Taal Vista, and wow was the place pretty. It was our last time being together as a batch, and it was sad that we weren't complete, but I guess we still had fun. I'm actually at a loss for words since...well..I don't know what to say. Mixed emotions came upon me again that night and all that I could do was smile and take it all in, cause it's never gonna happen again. Another once in a lifetime moment.

(c) Mayryche Foz
Family Picture (in smiles)
 And then I bring to you Ecology. A section that's really hard to describe (because everyone's different) but easy to love :")
(c) Mayryche Foz
Family Picture (serious)
Then, since I couldn't describe well at this time, let me bring to you pictures instead.

It's me and my Aira my love  :))

W/ Abby

w/ the very sexy Patrice  :))

w/ Isaiah

Yay Tatoy!  :))

It's the pixies in training! Twinkle Belle, Blue Belle and Silver Belle!

I guess that could end my blog for today. Will just post more if I remember anything  :))

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